Test Results

Most test results arrive electronically from the hospital and normally take between 3 to 7 working days. Whist we endeavour to notify you of any serious results, you are requested to telephone or call into the Practice for confirmation of your test results.

Getting your test results

Once a doctor has reviewed your test results, you can view them:

  • in your NHS account (through the NHS website or NHS App)
  • in your SystmOnline account
  • contact the surgery using an online form – we will respond within 5 working days.
  • phone us after 2:00pm and we will tell you what the results are
  • you can get your test results in person at the surgery.

Our Reception staff are not qualified to comment on results therefore it is your responsibility to check them and make any necessary follow-up appointment with the Doctor.

Questions about your results

If you want to talk to someone about your results, contact our team to discuss.


The NHS has strict policies relating to confidentiality and data protection and we can only release test results to the adult to whom they relate unless that person had given prior permission for the release of their data and information or are not capable of understanding the results.

Non-urgent advice: If the test was arranged by your hospital consultant

If your test has been carried out at a Clinic or Hospital please call the Clinic or Hospital for the result, as we cannot action tests which have been requested by other Clinicians outwith the practice.

Laboratory tests

For information on what your laboratory test results mean please visit Lab Tests Online.

Please note, this website does not give you access to your actual results, but will provide an explanation of what the varying tests are and what the results mean.


All specimens must be provided in a suitable container and marked clearly with name, date of birth, date provided and reason for the specimen. Failure to do so may mean that the test will need to be repeated. 

Please note that when bringing in a sample to the surgery only samples in the correct container can be accepted. These are available from reception.

Tests Performed Outside of the NHS Including Abroad

These results will not appear on any NHS systems, therefore are not accessible to NHS clinicians (unless the referral was made by your NHS care provider). If you have had tests outside of the NHS it is your responsibility to provide us with copies or originals of all the test results in order that we do not duplicate tests. If you are unable to do so you may be referred to an appropriate UK setting for the same test. This is to ensure we comply with best practice care standards. If you do not wish to have a repeat test you will be asked to give informed dissent.